Girl Gone International
….is a new international community dedicated to women who are travelling, studying, living or working abroad. The Seoul hub of GGI began about two months ago. The community manager of the group is Michelle Ibarra, who also happens to be one of the Editors’ at District Gal. We here at District Gal are strong supporters of a sisterhood community; GGI MAGAZINE is the newest perfect way to gather lady Seoulites.
The pictures (below) were photos from the 2nd Seoul GGI gathering. You can find photos from the first event on DGal’s Facebook page or click here: SEOUL GIRL GONE INTERNATIONAL BRUNCH AND POOL. The first event was held at REILLY’S TAPHOUSE & RESTAURANT; a great brunch bar in the heart of Itaewon. If you go you have to try their Watermelon Beer! The second event was held at SUJI’S RESTAURANT, another amazing New York-inspired restaurant also in ITAEWON, SEOUL.
Women from any background can join this ladies group for free. It’s a great way to network, share your travel stories, chitchat with new girl friends; the group is full of Seoul friendship love.
The next event will be held on the 14th of September. Join the Seoul GGI Group on Facebook, click here: SEOUL GIRL GONE INTERNATIONAL | EXPAT & TRAVEL. The girls are as kind as can be and GGI has a rule, “no bitches allowed, and no bitching allowed!’ The perfect statement for a bunch of women in one room, don’t you agree?! 🙂 The next event will be held at Myeongdong Pizzeria, a super cute and delicious Italian restaurant. Click Here for details: MYEONGDONG PIZZA & WINE PARTY.
Editors: Elsye Cornett & Michelle Ibarra
Photos by District Gal
What a great day! Lovely food at Suji’s and fantastic company! Thanks GGI XXX