About DGal

District Gal was founded in January 2013 by Yvette Cruz, a graduate of The Illinois Institute of Art – Chicago, a chitown gal majored in Fashion Marketing and Management – Yvette broke into the Chicago scene, gaining experience in the fashion marketing and media world since 2001.  While in Korea – she dove into the Korean fashion industry achieving modeling experience with Korean fashion designers such as Yang Hana at Chaehong Gallery, shopping commercials and acting for JEI English Channel featured in Winter 2012 for six months for ESL educational television.  Cruz also collaborated with independent international fashion leaders pursuing global reach.   She created District Gal on the basis of creating a mix of journal-like style; striving to showcase her personal style, high-end and affordable styles for both men & women, sharing REAL-WORLD socialites; creating a forefront for social fashion bloggers, designers, events, on this online Pinterest/mag-style photo-library.  DGAL is the main brain, but supported by contributing editors, photogs, writers, local international professionals in the creative realm along with supportive fashion bloggers all around the world.  

More about DistrictGal.com…The website promotes district area fashion and wardrobe styling that intertwines global brands with Korean style elements.   DGal was born on Chicago’s Magnificent Mile – Oak Street to specialty boutiques of Bucktown and inspired by the trendy districts of Seoul, South Korea. 

How to navigate on DistrictGal.com?
This is your fashion library of tips and stories.  District Gal features real people from Korea and everywhere.  Although Korea is the inspiration for the site, DGal is a jet-setter and while she is in Korea now, who knows where the fashion world will take her next.  Do you like pinterest?  If you don’t know what that is….it’s the best social photo-sharing international media platform.  District Gal functions are similar.

1.  Click on any photo that catches your eye and sparks your interest.

2.  When you open the POST You will find more images and a story.  Unlike pinterest that’s just a photo-sharing platform; on District Gal you can share these photos and the stories behind them.  Don’t forget to tag #districtgal & @districtgalista

District Gal은 어떤방식으로 나아가고 있는가?

이것은 당신의 패션 스토어나, 팁들이 모여있는 패션도서관 같은 곳입니다. District Gal은 한국과 세계 여러곳에서의 실생활의 사람들의 패션을 특징으로 삼고 있습니다.  그녀는 한국에서 활동하고 있으며 이 사이트를 통하여 당신을  한국뿐 아니라 여러곳의 패션정보를 가져가 줍니다. 패션자료 수집처를 좋아하시나요? 만약 당신이 그것이 무엇인지 모른다면, 그것은  여러 인터네셔널 웹사이트의 최고의 포토들을 모아 연결하는 중간 매개 역할을 하는 것입니다. District Gal가 추구하는 것이 바로 이와 비슷합니다.



DistrictGal Press


Video Editor: Kevin L. Kevin Director at Build by Flying Films

Interviews with International Fashion Bloggers
FAITH & STYLE based in LA, California
Girl Gone International Online Magazine, p. 52-53
Nexcite Magazine based in Seoul, South Korea
Groove Magazine, p.40 based in Seoul, South Korea
ATK Canadian Magazine, 2017
Girl Gone International
Happy DGal surfing!!!