When is the next post? Nobody knows! It’s been chaotic with all of our moving, but we’re getting settled and will get back on schedule soon. Note to self- stop making big changes at the last minute, but it’s so much more exciting this way!
I am SO ecstatic to start wearing booties, high-knee boots, and snow boots (one of our editors already has). I love summer, but it’s exhausting having to constantly get a pedicure during summer when my toes are always out saying hello (Don’t get me wrong- my toes are cute!). Still, now that the seasons are turning I can channel that cash to shop for a pair of new BOOTS! And with that I am sharing a fabulous new shoe brand: FSJ Shoes. A cool aspect of the site is how you can customize your searches- shop by heel height, occasion, or fashion elements. You can even customize your shoes without breaking the bank! (You’ll have to stay in touch to check out the shoes I designed that are being made as we speak.) I almost died going through the denim and vintage shoe selections. It was a constant internal monologue of OMG….love, love, love!! You won’t regret checking out this site, but ladies your shoe shopping might get out of control. Since when is that a problem? Never. Shop your heart out!
What shoes are you planning on living in this fall? I might just allow my leopard print shoes to roam free again now that they’re back in style.
Click here for more pumps and cute autumn booties.
stilettos heels | white stilettos heels |

DGal & Editor @vendettalour #bootielife