Seoul Street Fashion: Danmi, Korean Fashion Blogger

Seoul Street Fashion: Danmi, Korean Fashion Blogger

Adorable bombshell Danmi, you will love her!!   Danmi’s style jumps out at you, as most people here in Seoul know, Korean girls don’t like to stand out in a crowd.  This girl is not afraid to show off her  personality through her own feminine yet casual chic style.  Find out more about her in the interview below:

1. Tell District Gal fans how you first started your fashion blog.

“Starting my blog when I was in high school, I also became interested in beauty and fashion. So I thought I would like to try this and begin to give  people information about Korean fashion.”  블로그를 처음시작하게된건 고등학교때였어요. 항상 뷰티와 패션에 관심이 많아서 이분야게 도전해보고 싶었어요.그리고 제가아는 패션뉴스나 정보들을 공유하고싶어서 시작하게되었습니다.

2.What do you think will be the Korean trends for 2015?

“It seems to be more decorative, colorful, and patterned.”  더욱 컬러풀하고 화려한패턴들이 많이 나올것같아요.

3.  How Would you describe your style?

“I enjoy the modern look with unique items, mixing and matching my clothes.”  저는 모던한룩을 즐겨입지만 유니크한 악세사리나 아이템을 매치하는것을 즐기고, 옷의 믹스매치를 신경쓰는편이에요.

4.  Are you interested in American fashion?

“Always interested. I follow international fashion websites and blogs.  I look at the street fashion and fashion shows to stay updated with current fashion trends.”  항상 관심을 가지고 있어요. 해외 패션사이트나 블로그를 통해 스트릿패션이나 패션쇼를 보면서 많은 정보와 아이디어를 얻곤하죠.

5.  What would you like to see more of in the Korean fashion scene?

“I would like to see a more unique variety of fashion in Korea. I want to see individuality in people.”  조금더 유니크하고 개성있는 스타일과 사람들을 보고싶어요.

6.  What song gets you dancing and inspires you to get dolled up?

“I like listening to music from rock to new age music, so when I work I always listen to a random playlist.”  저는 뉴에이지부터 롹까지 다양한 음악장르를 좋아해서 작업할때는 항상 랜덤재생을 해놔요.


7.  What makes the Korean fashion scene unique?

“Springing up are a lot of designers showing originality and personality in new clothes. Seems to be their influence as keungeot, Korean for “full potential” . 한국에도 많은 독창성있고 자기만의 개성이있는 디자이너들이 많이 생겨나고있는것같아요, 아무래도 그들의 영향이 클것같습니다.

8.  How are you a part of the DGal family?

“I’m very interesting and happy. I want to say thank you!” 너무 재밌고 흥미로운것같아요. 고맙습니다!

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Follow Danmi@blog: Instagram: danmi4u
Photo Credit: Danmi, Fashion Blogger

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